The Effects of Not Getting Enough Sleep – And How You Might Combat Them 

The Effects of Not Getting Enough Sleep - And How You Might Combat Them 
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It is no lie that getting poor amounts, or bad quality sleep is bad for your health. It is an essential part of your daily routine, and if it isn’t being fulfilled, it can cause all sorts of issues, some of which might not be visible until later in life.

You are going to need to make sure that you are getting enough sleep throughout your life, but that can be difficult. Anxiety, depression, and insomnia can all cause bad sleep, as well as undiagnosed ADHD and respiratory issues.

It can be hard enough to get through a day when you’re sleep-deprived, much less get through a day that involves a workload. That can make that temptation to drift off in those hours between 1 and 3 p.m. pretty alluring. However, being sleep-deprived can cost you, and we’re not just talking about dozing eyelids. Your productivity can suffer, and in turn that can cost your company — to the tune of billions of dollars all over the world. And if your job involves a task that could be hazardous to your health, then sleep deprivation can be even more costly.

What Does Not Getting Enough Sleep Do to Your Body?

#1 How It Can Affect Your Health

Poor sleep can affect both your short-term and long-term health. In the short term, it can cause headaches and migraines, as well as low blood sugar, and can even give you issues with your memory and damage your metabolism. In the long term, it can affect your heart, such as being at a higher risk of heart disease and higher resting heart rates. It can also affect your brain and can be a participant in your gaining mild cognitive issues. This can be scary, so it is best to keep on top of your sleep as best as you can. 

#2 How It Can Affect Your Mood

The amount of sleep you get strongly affects your mood. It can be a struggle to concentrate when you are tired, which means that you can become far more frustrated and aggravated. When you are tired, you are also more likely to struggle with loud noises and sudden movements, as you will mainly be running off adrenaline. This is something that you might find to be a common occurrence. However, you might find that you are getting enough sleep. This can also be a cause of being run down or oversleeping. 

What Might You Do to Combat These Issues?

#1 Try CBD

Trying the CBD gummies can be a good place to start if you are an anxious sleeper. They might help you get off to sleep better or give you a better quality of sleep if you are a light sleeper. However, results may vary from person to person. On the plus side, they might help to relax you enough to go to sleep if you struggle with anxiety.

#2 Try Sleeping in a Well-Ventilated Space

This can be useful. Sleeping in a well-ventilated space means that it is easier for your body to get oxygen and, therefore, it is easier for you to breathe. It might also make the room a little bit cooler, which can benefit your sleep too. You also won’t wake up so easily by not being able to breathe and it might also help you if you need to meditate before going to bed, as it can keep you feeling relaxed, especially if the air is hot and stuffy and you need movement to be able to cool it down. 

#3 Create a bedtime ritual

Create a bedtime ritual for yourself that will signal your body it is time to sleep. Adhere to a rest calendar of similar sleep time and wake-up time, even at the ends of the week. This manages your body’s clock and could enable you to nod off and stay unconscious for the evening.

#4 Exercise

Exercise day by day. Incredible exercise is ideal, yet even light exercise is superior to no movement. Exercise whenever of day, however not to the detriment of your sleep.

#5 Write it down

If you go to bed and find yourself going over lists that didn’t get done and to-do’s for the following day, or worrying over money, you are stimulating your mind and keeping your body in the alert mode so that it cannot calm down and get to sleep. To remedy this, you can make a list before you go to bed. Put all your concerns on it so you can ease your mind. You can also distract your mind by listening to music.

How to get through a sleep-deprived workday

  • Drink coffee the smart way
  • Get your blood pumping (outside, if possible)
  • Sip an energizing herbal tea
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Switch to a new task
  • Watch what you eat
  • Meditate

In case despite everything you’re experiencing difficulty in sleep, don’t wait to talk with your primary care physician. You may likewise profit by writing your rest in a Sleep Diary. It will help you to assess regular examples or issues you may see with your sleep pattern.

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