Five Ways You Can Promote Wellbeing within Your Business

Five Ways You Can Promote Wellbeing within Your Business
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Wellbeing in the workplace isn’t just about having comfy chairs and an on-site masseuse, though those things do help; it’s about creating an environment that makes people want to come to work every day, instead of dreading Monday morning. Wellbeing refers to your state of mind and body, as well as your general level of functioning and quality of life. Workplace wellbeing can have profound effects on your company’s performance and productivity levels. So it’s no surprise that many CEOs are starting to realize how valuable it is to invest in the health and happiness of their employees.

Stress is a huge factor in staff absence, and it has a massive impact on productivity. As an employer, you have a responsibility to provide your staff with a safe, comfortable place to work. More than that, if you want to create a productive environment it is important that you nurture your employees’ all-round wellbeing. Try out these five ideas and make your business a company everyone wants to work for!

Clear Targets

One of the main causes of workplace unhappiness stems from feeling undervalued. Creating a culture where clear and manageable expectations are expressed allows staff to take ownership without feeling overwhelmed. Praise your staff for what they do well to boost self-esteem – this simple tactic helps both your employees and your business thrive.

Regular Appraisals/Safeguarding Supervisions

As an employer, you should be regularly providing your staff with the opportunity to discuss any concerns they have about their own health, wellbeing, and the workplace. As well as annual appraisals, consider safeguarding supervisions where staff can talk in private with their line manager. This gives a clear channel for communication and an official process where any concerns can be logged.

Wellbeing Boxes

Having a wellbeing box in a staff room or social area is a simple way to show your appreciation. Have cookies and other edible treats in the kitchen, and add complimentary hand gels, moisturizers, and sanitary items to the bathrooms. These small gestures can go a long way to helping your staff feel comfortable and valued within the workplace. Staff also appreciate it when they are seen as an individual. So why not go the extra mile and show your gratitude by ordering their favourite takeaway sandwich one lunchtime, or a mid-morning Starbucks with everyone’s regular coffee order delivered to their desk?

Duvet Days

If you are able, consider implementing a set number of wellbeing days to your team’s annual holiday entitlement. With mental health issues increasing across the workforce, employee wellbeing needs to be the top priority for all employers. Companies that have introduced wellbeing days have found staff productivity has increased and rather than staff absence rising, it has reduced. The GC Index has published further stats on wellbeing in the workplace if you need more convincing.

Introduce Wellbeing Sessions

Whether you opt for morning meditation, lunchtime yoga sessions, or supplemented gym membership, supporting your staff to take care of themselves shows you are investing in them as people. Working alongside occupational health specialists such as counselors is another way you can show your commitment to promoting employee wellbeing and you can signpost staff towards the appropriate specialists when they reach out for help. This holistic approach to wellbeing helps support the work/life balance of all employees.

Changing the culture within the workplace is crucial if we are serious about supporting the mental health crisis and general staff wellbeing. Think of the small ways you can nurture your employees – you will find what you give will be repaid tenfold through staff loyalty, increased productivity, and the reputation of your company as an employer who values their workers. Wellbeing within the workplace matters!

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